Tuesday, March 4, 2008

local fast food

one of the things that I've been quite interested in is finding out what localization fast food outlets do in each country. take, for example, McDonald's. here in Malaysia, they serve fried chicken, which is a Malaysian staple (which is also why KFC outsells and outgrows McDonald's here, the only place I can think of where this happens)

in Canada, where pizza is popular, we have McPizza (although, with the logo they used, turning the M's to create the Z's, we used to call it McPimma). in Frenchie Canada (sometimes known as Quebec), they sell poutine (if you don't know what poutine is, or haven't tasted it before, you don't know what you're missing out on)

McDonald's in Germany serves beer, while McDonald's in Japan serves sushi. In Thailand, pork burgers! they even serve different specials in different parts of the US (like McLobster for the Boston area).

KFC here serves a hot & spicy version rather than the extra crispy ones that are served in other places

so, question is, any other localization examples of McDonald's? I'm interested to know how they localize their food. I heard somewhere that they serve lamb burgers in India rather than beef, although I don't know how true that is exactly.

if you know of any other localization efforts, do post here. I'd love to know :)


enochho said...

whoa... the answers are all here


pneoxian said...

how can you ever forget the McBubur!?
hehe... sounds funny when saying it... mcbubur...


enochho said...

hahaha how could I forget... the chicken one is not bad but the fish was quite raunchy.....

Anonymous said...

Thank God there is no McHaggis here in Glasgow! -Boon

Anonymous said...

We have FAN-tastic burgers in HK... burgers made with two rice patties for bread instead of the bread. The pun being FAN means rice in Chinese...

We also have shogun burgers....

Hope you're doing well, Enoch! It's been forever!


enochho said...

I don't think I would ever want to know about a McHaggis! :p

I KNOW! It's been forever! How have you been doing? Miss our forays for Chinese food and hanging out at your place. Another fast food chain called MOS Burger has the rice burgers too!