Monday, October 19, 2009

sigh. sick

Must've caught the bug going around. So, no work today. Even if I did go, I don't think I would've lasted anyway. Dizzy and all that.

So that leaves me a bit more time to rest, after a really hectic weekend. Why are weekends sometimes more hectic than weekdays? Don't answer that.

Excuse me while I go hack a lung out.

What I'm trying to say is... wait... what was I trying to say?

I have no clue. I'm getting old... and senile.

Been thinking of taking up another instrument. Something more affordable than the oboe, which I really love, but will destroy my bank account and credit cards and everything else I own. Been thinking of the trumpet or clarinet... any suggestions? Of course, I already do play the trumpet, but I haven't been going anywhere with it, since I don't have one of my own. I'm thinking my neighbors would really hate me for it too, if I started practicing! lol

Also, I'm still thinking of getting an acoustic guitar. The classical one I have is murdering my hands and arms. Get it away! Then again, if I got any of these, I wouldn't be able to get a keyboard, which is really what I should be concentrating on, right?


pneoxian said...

I think you know what to get.


enochho said...
