Friday, June 12, 2009

pleasant surprises

One of the things I missed about coming to Malaysia was the pleasant conversations I'd have while checking out at the grocery shops and supermarkets. Most Malaysians would find it strange, but honestly it was very pleasant to hold a nice conversation with the checkout cashiers, even if it was superficial and short. It just enhances the shopping experience somehow. Honestly, it does, and make grocery shopping just that little more enjoyable.

Now, I've come to not expect anything of the sort here in Malaysia, most cashiers at supermarkets just scan your items through and look as it they've been working non-stop for the past 273 hours without a break and their cat just died on them. Any questions or anything are generally met with total indifference (although there are some good exceptions, but this is generally the case).

Imagine my delight when today, when I was shopping at Cold Storage at Jaya One, the cashier was efficient, friendly and actually could hold a decent conversation. We talked about my usage of the shopping bag (therefore eliminating the need for a couple of plastic bags), freezer bags and maybe one or two other things while she was scanning my items. It was short (probably about a minute tops) and wasn't very meaningful, but it left me with a really good impression. I don't know her name, and I don't think she'll ever read this blog, but whoever you are, you did wonderfully. It brightened up my day just that little bit, but it was significant. Thank you!

P/S:- the name on the receipt says Raminah Makiran. You're a credit to your service. Thanks!


pneoxian said...

Doth my eyes behold a happy article? Tis' truly too good to be true!

Happy Happy Joy Joy and all that

Lina An said...

i totally totally agree!! I miss checkout conversations too! Sometimes, I smile and ask "how's it going?"..they stare back as though I spoke Martian to them!